Fifth International Scientific &Technical Conference «Research, design & cad in con-struction: theory and practice», 29 October, 2021, Brest, Belarus
Conference Organizer: Brest State Technical University (Brest, Belarus), LIRA-SAPR (Kiev, Ukraine), PSS-SOFiSTiK (St. Petersburg, Russia), SKAD SOFT (Moscow, Russia), Brest-KAD (Brest, Belarus), Institut BelNIIS (Brest, Belarus), Breststroynauka (Brest, Belarus), and Brest State Technical University (Brest, Belarus).
Seminar topics
- quality control and modern production technologies for building materials industry;
- geotechnical aspects in the design of building structures, computer-aided design technology and analysis;
- new building structures, improvements in the analysis methods;
- BIM in design of buildings and structures;
- serviceability assessment and strengthening of structural members, buildings, and structures.
To become a conference participant please fill in the registration form and e-mail it to the organizing committee: or get resisted directly on-line at